澳 門 攝 影 學 會
「EP.PSM優秀攝影家」名銜:本國際攝影展覽由第一屆 (一九八一年) 開始,參加者在同一組別內連續三屆共入選作品九幀或以上者,由本會頒贈「EP.PSM優秀攝影家」名銜,並發給證書,可永遠免費參加本會舉辦之國際攝影展覽。惟澳門以外之「EP.PSM優秀攝影家」則需繳付沙龍目錄郵寄費。有資格獲得此名銜者,可在本會網頁 www.psm.org下載有關申請表格及填妥後,電郵至psm@macau.ctm.net或郵寄 “澳門郵政信箱876號” 澳門攝影學會沙龍主席。
「EP.PSM」The Distinction of Excellent Photographer of PSM: Since the first Macao Salon back in 1981, The Macao International Salon of Photography awards the EP.PSM title to participants who have won qualifications for a total of 9 or more entries in the same section in 3 consecutive MISP Exhibitions. The participant will be awarded a certificate of merits and can enjoy a life-long free participation in future MISP to be held by PSM. However, EP.PSM still have to pay their own postage for sending in salon catalogue. Participants who have won the afore-said qualifications may download an application form for this title from our PSM website: www.psm.org and return the completed form by e-mail to: psm@macau.ctm.net or by post to: PSM Salon Chairman, P.O.BOX 876 MACAU S.A.R.
*** 附註:由於本國際攝影展覽在過去數屆的組別名稱上曾作更改,因此,為便利參加者申請「EP.PSM優秀攝影家」名銜之績分計算,除按照原有規條進行外,本會又特將連續三屆在多個組別入選作品成績統一為 “同一組別” 計算,故安排如下:A) 黑白照片組與黑白數碼影像組為同一組別。B) 彩色照片組與彩色數碼影像組為同一組別。C) 彩色幻燈片組、彩色投射影像組(幻燈片)、彩色投射影像組(數碼影像)、彩色數碼影像組均為 “同一組別” 計算。
*** NOTE: Through the past few Macao Salons, titles of sections have been revised several times. To make things easy for EP.PSM applicants we are adding the following to the existing regulations: a) Monochrome Prints and Monochrome Digital Images will fall into the same group. b) Colour Prints and Colour Digital Images in the same group. c) Colour Slides, Colour Projected Images (Slides) and Colour Projected Images (Digital) and Colour Digital Images in the same group.