澳門攝影學會是一非牟利業餘藝術團體,成立於1958年1月25日,是澳門最早成立之攝影團體,以團結愛好攝影之 人士及推動攝影藝術活動為目的。屬國際影 藝聯盟(FIAP)之團體會員並為澳門區代表,又為美國攝影學會(PSA)之會員。由於長期對澳門文化藝術活動作出貢獻,一九八五年獲澳門總督頒授文化功 績勳章。
一九八一年在澳門創先舉辦“第一屆澳門國際攝影展覽”,每兩年一屆之“澳門國際攝影展覽”被列入國際計分沙龍,歷屆均獲澳門 政府首長,社會賢達擔任榮譽贊助人及榮譽顧問,並得到約五十個國家及地區之攝影家參加。另外,每兩年舉辦一次會員作品展,並同時出版會員作品集,藉以提高 會員的攝影水平。
每年均舉辦甲乙兩組的會員雙月賽,年底舉辦一次會員名銜考試 ,分初級會士(APSM)及高級會士(FPSM)。並開辦各類攝影課程,和攝影講座,豐富影友之攝影知識。每年定期均協助政府及社團舉辦攝影訓練班和專題攝影比賽及展覽,培養攝影人材,推攝影藝術的發展。
澳門攝影學會與世界各地之攝影家互有交往,保持良好的聯繫。會員作品曾先後應邀前往中國二十多個省巿、葡國、台灣、意大利等地展出。一九九九年起與“誠興銀行”合作發行“澳門攝影學會VISA信用咭 ”供會員申請使用。
The Photographic Society of Macao – An Introduction
The Photographic Society of Macao is a non-profit making organization, established in January 25, 1958, the earliest photographic organization in Macao. The goal of the Society is to organize friends of photography to promote the art of photography. The Society is affiliated to The International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) and The Photographic Society of America (PSA). In 1985 the Society was awarded the Cultural Medal by the Governor of Macao for its long term contribution to the cultural and art activities of Macao.
The First Macao International Salon of Photography was held in 1981 and has become our major international biannual activity with participants from over 50 countries and awards in these Salons are also accredited internationally. Our patrons and sponsors are from leading Government officials and dignitaries from the Macao community. We also hold annual exhibitions on the works of our members and publish these works to encourage our members and to elevate their standards.
The Photographic Society of Macao holds bi-monthly competitions at 2 levels for it members and title examinations annually for Junior Fellow (APSM) and Senior Fellow (FPSM). The Society also holds photographic courses and seminars to enrich the photographic knowledge and techniques of our members. It also holds periodic training courses and photo competitions for the Macao Government and other organizations besides exhibitions to promote the art of photography and to train up photographers in Macao.
The Society has good relationships with international photographers and photographic organizations. Works of it members have been exhibited in 20 major cities in Mainland China, Taiwan, Portugal and Italy. We even have a PSM credit card issued by the Seng Heng Bank of Macao exclusively for our members since 1999.
In order to cope with the development of our Society we have bought the unit right above our office from funds raised in 2006 to 2007. Equipment to be installed in our extend office would include a small exhibition hall, digital-workshop, traditional-dark-room and a fully equipped studio for use by our members.